Special Muffle-Flask for the guide realization of dental prostheses and Temporary crown and bridge by casting or injection technique in very short time, cold curing or heat curing technique easy and very fast use High precision.
Total prostheses in 25 minutes

- Total prostheses
- Partial prostheses
- Combined prostheses
- Rebasing
- Prostheses on implants
- Toronto bridge
- Temporary crown & bridge

1) Place the model in the muffle

3) Refill the muffle by silicone 85-90 shore

5) Check and remove silicone excess

7) Make teeth retention by burs down and around part of the tooth. Place the teeth in the silicone mask by loctite glue little

9) Remove the dental prostheses, finishing and polishing

2) Apply one silicone layer of 69 shore up the teeth

4) Remove the excess silicone by cutter

6) Make holes in the posterior mask part by drill bit 8mm

8) Mix powder with liquid and wait 15sec. Start casting the acrylic until it exit on the opposite hole