micropolymer Dental

Nano Technology Dental Acrylics material


Through scientific research in nano technology with our innovative regular molecule with micropearls forms. It is very compact and reduces the penetration of liquid between molecules. Now, we have a very small space between the molecules.

It is possible to reduce the monomer in the standard mixing ratio in a surprising way, reducing the polymerization shrinkage. That means less monomer is needed, while still maintaining a brilliant flowbility for the making of dentures by using the model casting technique or by salt and pepper in orthodontic technique or in the realization of temporary crowns and bridges.

Grazie ad uno spazio molto ridotto tra le molecole è stato possibile ridurre il monomero nel rapporto di miscelazione standard in modo sorprendente riducendo la contrazione da polimerizzazione pur mantenendo un ottima fluidità per la realizzazione di protesi usando la tecnica per colata restituendo protesi stabili con un rilascio di monomero assai inferiore rispetto alle resine tradizionali.
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Anni Esperienza
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Anni Esperienza


After many years and large experience in the PMMA study, the results of advances made with the material polymethylmethacrylate led to improved chemical and physical properties.

Acrylic Resins

Acrylic Resins

with a defined mixing powder/ liquid with a ratio up to 10:3 (instead of the existing 10:7) have successfully mixed to what is still a pourable consistency.

Mixing Ratio

Mixing Ratio

When change in the mixing ratio had on shrinkage or dimensional changes to the material and the advantages in the shrinkage are really amazing.